Take Big Chances by Demystifying Risk

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When it comes to using the tools you have acquired, honed, and used to learn to then take big chances needed to grow and succeed all the more, according to world-champion whitewater kayaker Steve Fisher:

“You can’t use any of these tools until you demystify risk. We can mitigate risks purely by understanding them. And the way that we understand them is we take a seemingly impossible idea and we break it down into little digestible parts and we look at each step individually to see if that is attainable. What happens then is what we are doing, we find that many of our fears are unjustified and very often we find that what’s before us is far less risky than what we thought.”

“We all live always at the edge of uncharted waters. No matter whether it is meaningless like kayaking a river or meaningful like changing the world, the principle is always the same: we need to buck up and add our piece to the puzzle.”


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